We Visualized Idioms and Proverbs with the “ The Richness of Our Language Project”!

We Visualized Idioms and Proverbs with the “ The Richness of Our Language Project”!

Our Grade 5 students carried out a fun activity to discover idioms and proverbs, which are important elements symbolizing our language, within the scope of the “Riches of Our Language Project” in Turkish lesson. In order to better understand the deeper meanings of idioms and proverbs, our students first researched different idioms and proverbs and examined their meanings, and then gained a new perspective on the subject by using their creativity to visualize the idioms and proverbs they chose as a result of their research. The works that emerged after the activity were exhibited and shared in our Turkish classrooms. While creating this exhibition with colorful and original interpretations of idioms and proverbs, we both had fun and experienced the richness of our language together.

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