TechnoCup’24 Robotics and Coding Competition
On Saturday, May 25, 2024, “TechnoCup’24 Robotics and Coding Competition” was held, hosted by our school. In this event, where innovative ideas, creativity and technology were combined, students from different schools came together and demonstrated their technological skills. In the competition, where students gained the experience of using time effectively and reflecting team spirit, all teams participated in 5 different workshops. They also reflected their knowledge and imagination in their projects. In TechnoCup’24 Robotics and Coding Competition, Koç Creators Team from Koç Private Middle School took the first place while AçıTek Team from Açı Schools and Cadderobotik Team from our school shared the second place. SEV Robotics Team from SEV Private Middle School came in third place. We would like to thank all our teams who participated in the competition.