” Laf Ebesi” of the Year
The Turkish-Social Department once again hosted its annual “Laf Ebesi / Prepared and Impromptu Speech Contest” on Tuesday, April 4. The opening speech of sixth-grader Ayşe Nil ÜNLÜ kicked off our competition, which seeks to develop the abilities of expressing one’s emotions and thoughts with integrity and consistency and speaking in front of the community.
Our students gave a three-minute prepared speech on a topic of their choosing in the first of the competition’s two parts, which was hosted by eighth-grader Irmak BACACI. In the second part, the top five performers gave impromptu speeches for three minutes on topics chosen by the speech wheel.
Anka SÜNBÜL from 5A, Elif DAVUTOĞLU from 5B, Selin SONBAY from 5C, Mina KÜÇÜKDAĞILKAN from 5D, Şira Beyza TOKER from 6A, Kanat ÖZBAYRAÇ from 6B, İmge ÇETİNKAYA from 6C, Mehmet Can AKSAKAL from 7A, Lara GENÇ from 7B, İnci BİLGEN from 7C, Derin ERBAŞOL from 8A, Begüm Eda ŞİMŞEK from 8B, Zeynep Gülfem from 8C participated on behalf of their classes.
The competitors’ speeches were assessed by the jury based on their “mastery of the subject, consistency, pronunciation, fluency, originality, and richness of vocabulary.” Following the jury’s assessment, Begüm Eda ŞİMŞEK took first place, followed by Anka SÜNBÜL and Lara GENÇ. We congratulate and wish ongoing success to all of our students who took part in the competition.