International Caribou Math Contest Achievements

International Caribou Math Contest Achievements

Department of Mathematics prepares students for international competitions in order to reveal their potential and improve their problem solving, critical and analytical thinking skills.

In the third Caribou International Math Contest held on 15th & 16th January attended by 23500 students, our 6th grade student Uras Bahçekapılı ranked 6th in İstanbul by scoring in the top 2%, our 8th grade students Milla Aralya Alıcı and Ozan Çetinkaya ranked 7th place in İstanbul with a score top 6% and our 5th grade student Ayşe Serra Gönültaş ranked 28th in İstanbul with a score top 8%.  Additionally, our students  Aleksander Ali Gorelov and Deniz Ünal proudly represented our school by placing in the top 10% worldwide in the International Caribou Math Contest. We congratulate our students for their achievements.

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