Coping with Difficult Situations and Safe Relationships

Coping with Difficult Situations and Safe Relationships

This month, the Psychological Counseling and Guidance Department came together with the entire middle school in a seminar titled “Coping with Difficult Situations and Safe Relationships”. In the presentation, the differences between bullying behavior and experiencing conflict were explained. The definition of bullying has three main elements: it is consciously and intentionally intended to hurt and harm the other party, it is repetitive and continuous, and there is a power imbalance. Within the framework of these three dynamics, students were enabled to evaluate their peer relationships and limits were set for negative behaviors. Awareness was raised about the importance of the audience’s attitude towards negative situations and the contribution of this attitude to a positive school climate by having a preventive and stopping effect against the situation. Students commented on the cases shared during the presentation and offered solutions. This interactive presentation raised awareness among our students about increasing positive peer relations.

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