We have 3 main branch lessons: Counseling, Physical Education, and Dance. The branch lessons in the weekly program promote our students to develop various skills by associating with the PYP inquiry units with a transdisciplinary approach.

In our 6-year-old classes, we have second foreign language option of French, German and Spanish.


In counseling lessons, our counselors come together with our students to interactively share their feelings and thoughts on different subjects. The lesson is carried out in accordance with the “Class Counseling Program”, which is parallel to the class PYP program. In the lessons, counselors observe the social and emotional development of our students (emotions, respect for differences, being able to say “no”, communication, etc.) and carry out activities that will contribute to their development. Our teachers continue interactive work with their students on these subjects. While carrying out these studies, methods suitable for the development of age groups such as conversation, games, drama and drawing are used. The most important contribution of guidance to the emotional development of students is that they provide them with the opportunity to express their feelings in an environment where they are accepted and included, without being criticized.

Physical Education
Physical Education offers favorable contributions to provide each student with an opportunity to develop within physical, cognitive, social and emotional integrity, and to live a healthy life in line with existing capacity of the students.  Our aim in our movement education classes is to improve such physical eligibilities as endurance, flexibility, agility, strength, speed, stability, skill and coordination. Movement education courses offered systematically and in a programmed manner provide our children with habits related to healthy life, being tidy, ability to use their willpower and sense of cooperation. The base for physical exercise habit in their future life is laid with this education. Gymnastics branch in our classes are of prime importance in order for Irmak students to have an aesthetic body shape, and make positive contribution to their development for coordination and motor skills. Gymnastics provides positive contributions to the physical development of children and forms a base for every sport branch. In this respect, it is intended that basic gymnastic exercises must be successfully taught in our gymnastics-oriented classes prepared according to the different age groups in our kindergarten.
Our major targets are as follows;
  • Gaining flexibility,
  • Improving body coordination,
  • Ensuring that students have a more balanced body.
  • Increasing strength and endurance,
  • Gaining self-confidence, discipline and determination.

Minds and bodies are enlightened by the art of ballet and dance skill progression is achieved with carefully prepared programs for all age groups. Our goal is to enrich our students with valuable basic achievements such as supporting physical development, developing creative intelligence, reinforcing motor skills, gaining the desire to act together, encouraging harmony, maturing the sense of self-confidence and creating the concept of order. In addition to technique, we attach great importance to our students having dynamic moments and showcasing their individual ideas and designs through improvisation exercises. We find it valuable for them to grow up with enjoyable dance exercises, both in terms of their health and in terms of becoming self-confident individuals.