The aim of the program is to support the learning process with studies that improve the cognitive performance of students with different cognitive processes. For this purpose; The needs are determined by the individual screening studies that we apply to all our students by the “Psychological Counseling and Guidance Department”.
During these studies, measurement tools based on PASS Theory are used.
PASS Theory based on cognitive processes: “Planning”, “Attention”, “Simultaneous” and ” Successive “, which are accepted as the basis of knowledge of human cognitive functions. It gets its name from the initials of these cognitive processes.
Planning: It is a mental process in which an individual determines, selects, applies and evaluates solutions to problems.
Attention: Attention is a mental process that selectively focuses the individual on certain stimuli and prevents them from responding to other competing stimuli.
Simultaneous: Mental processes in which an individual combines separate stimuli into a single whole or group.
Successive: It is a mental process that turns stimuli into a chain and a special order.
Within the scope of cognitive skills support training, “Thinking Skills Workshop” studies are carried out. In order to support and improve the low performance caused by the differences in cognitive processing in students, studies are carried out as one class hour a week.