Our main aim is to teach our students to communicate with different cultures by using music, which is a universal language in expressing their feelings and thoughts, and to add music to their lives by developing it in line with their interests and abilities,>>>
Our main goals are to raise students who develop socially and emotionally, develop their mental and physical characteristics, acquire active and healthy life habits with their mobility skills, approach complex situations analytically, celebrate winning and accept losing in our games and >>>
Art is a tool which provide human beings self-realization, thoughts, dreams, individual feelings and creative efforts; It is an important cultural dynamic with its integrative aspect in integrating societies.>>>
The history of civilisation, has reached an ultimate destination of information and space age from agricultural age and the industrial age. Manpower, is being replaced first by the power of machinery and then by brainpower thus intellectual power.>>>
Our students use and interpret what they have learned with their information literate competence at every stage of life.>>>
Known as the oldest game in history, Chess is taught as a lesson in the 1st and 2nd grades of our primary school, and the lessons are held in the chess classrooms equipped with modern equipment and chess tables, which have smart boards where the latest chess programs are used.>>>
As Irmak Schools, one of our main goals is to develop skills such as making observations, generating ideas and making comments. Our students experience concrete experiences in the science laboratory and learn by living. >>>