Art has been born from the feeling of love of beauty. Just like the human body requires nutrients for the development of the body, the human soul requires art. Art is a creative process which nourishes the soul, develops thinking, and supports questioning and sense of taste within the development process of people.
As of the second half of the 80’s, Turkey enters into a wind of change. With new actors, new artists, new visibility, what we call “contemporary art” appeared. Together with the pre-existing discussions, with new recommendations and expectations, there are nor far more artists and production. Nothing is as it was.
It is possible to say that with the Biennials, the young generation in Turkey has found a platform to represent itself.  With the Irmak Biennial, we are aiming to increase the interest of students and art lovers in contemporary art, contribute to the expansion of vision and be aware of the fact that time exists with people. We would like to thank Asst. Prof. Dr. Marcus Graf, our biennial consultant, in this process.