Equinox Day: We Celebrated the Balance of Nature and the Coming of Spring!
21 March is a special day when day and night are equal all over the world, the sun’s rays hit the equator perpendicularly and the circle of illumination passes through the poles. This date is a unique moment that heralds the awakening of nature and the arrival of spring. As the High School Social Sciences Department, we celebrated ‘Equinox Day’ enthusiastically with a series of activities within the scope of an interdisciplinary study we carried out with the Turkish-Social Sciences Department. On this special day, our students and teachers came to school in black and white clothes to emphasise the equality of day and night. While our 5th and 6th grade students drew attention to the meaning and importance of the day by planting saplings, painting masks and writing hopeful wishes on the wishing tree, a group of our high school students gave informative presentations to our 8th grade students in the geography classrooms about the Equinox solstice and Anatolian traditions heralding the arrival of spring. At the end of the event, high school students had the opportunity to observe the reflections of the process by evaluating the learning process of 8th grade students with the exit cards they prepared. This meaningful day enabled our students to consider natural phenomena from a scientific perspective and explore our cultural heritage. This special event, where we comprehended the balance of nature and the cycle of renewal, turned into an unforgettable experience for all of us by reinforcing the sense of unity and awareness.
We wish that spring brings beauty and happiness to all of us.seasonal flower seeds in our school garden, 6th graders reflected the colors of spring on their colorful masks.
Students finalized the day by hanging their wish cards on the wish-fulling tree.
We wish spring will bring everyone beauty and happiness.