The first of our Career planning sessions was held

The first of our Career planning sessions was held

The first of our ‘Career Planning’ sessions, which we have implemented in cooperation with the High School Psychological Counselling and Guidance Department and Ms. Biranda Çoban, was held with Ms. Biranda Çoban’s seminar on ‘CV Preparation, Creating a Linkedin Profile and Preparing for Company Visits’. In this event for 11th and 12th graders;

1- CV Preparation Processes: The tricks of preparing an effective CV (Curriculum Vitae) were conveyed to our students. It was explained how a CV reflects an individual’s competences, experiences and achievements in an accurate and impressive way.

2-Creating and Using Linkedin Account: The importance of Linkedin, a professional social network, was emphasised and our students were informed about topics such as creating a correct profile, making connections and discovering career opportunities. Ms Biranda Çoban shared her experiences on career planning and professional development with our students and guided them to better prepare for university and business world.

We would like to thank Ms. Biranda Çoban for her valuable contribution.

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