A New Success From Our Highschool Robotics Team River Robotics
Our High School Robotics team River Robotics came back with another award from the Global FRC tournament held between the 28th of March and the 11th of April. The results of the Turkish Region group of the online tournament where teams all around the world competed came out today; the 2nd of May 2021, Sunday. Our team qualified to claim the Game Changer Award with its final version of the 2020-2021 season robot UNLIMITED for having the most successful robot design.
As you know, teams that use every opportunity they get to make a difference in FRC are closer to reaching victory. This team used every opportunity that came across them and proved that they were worthy of victory. Whether it be social distancing rules or logistic complications, they found elegant solutions to these and stood out by making a difference. This team’s philosophy shows that amazing designs cannot be finished in still water but by facing the hard current from the river and that you can’t reach perfection with quality game elements, but by building themselves up by trying and trying again. They proved to us that being a rookie does not stop competition and that they are a successful team by winning the Rookie All Star award and their first tournament. There is no limit to what they will do in the future. That is probably why they named their robot: UNLIMITED.
Congratulations River Robotics 8079!